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----- The following copyright 1991 by Dirk Terrell
----- This article may be reproduced or retransmitted
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----- including this header
Lecture #10 "Dengenerate But Not Reprehensible"
So, what happens to this iron core? At this point the core has reached a
density of around 10E10 (10 billion) grams per cubic centimeter (10 million
kilograms per cc which is 22 million pounds per cubic centimeter or 360
million pounds per cubic inch). Obviously, this is a very dense regime. At
these densities, the electrons are "packed" very closely and quantum
mechanics must be used to describe them. In particular, we must make use of
what is known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle which says that no two
electrons (in our case, but any identical particles in general) can have the
same "quantum state." An electron's quantum state is determined by its
position and momentum (mass times velocity). As the density increases, the
number of unoccupied quantum states decreases. Just as the electrons in an
atom fill the lowest energy levels first, the electrons in the core fill the
lowest momentum states first. The remaining electrons must fill higher
momentum (and hence higher velocity) quantum states. The collisions between
high-velocity electrons and other electrons or nuclei creates a strong
pressure resisting compression. In this state, the electrons are said to be
degenerate, and the pressure is referred to as electron degeneracy pressure.
Electron degeneracy pressure can support the star even if there is no
fusion going on to assist it. There is, however, a limit to how massive a
core can be and still hold itself up in this manner. If the core is more
massive than about 1.4 times the mass of the sun, the gravitational force
will be too high and a collapse will occur. This limit is known as the
Chandrasekhar limit after S. Chandrasekhar who first derived it. It is a
beautiful derivation. For those of you who know some quantum mechanics and
are a little more mathematically inclined, look it up. I believe it is done
in his book "Stellar Structure."
Well, what happens to this core if it is close to, but less than the
Chandrasekhar limit, and a silicon shell source continues to dump ash on it?
If the ash causes the mass to exceed the limit, what happens? The core must
collapse. What can stop it? The contraction of the core causes
photodisintegration to occur at an even higher rate because the core
temperature continues to increase. Iron group nuclei are torn apart and the
process of electron capture becomes important. In this process an electron
and a proton combine to form a neutron plus a neutrino. Neutrinos do not
interact with the other particles very much and essentially escape from the
star "untouched", leaving the neutrons behind. This process only serves to
accelerate the collapse, because it removes the electrons, which were the
main source of the pressure support. Is there anything to save the star now?
It turns out that there is. Very soon after the collapse begins (less
than a second), the density in the core will reach approximately 10E14 grams
per cubic centimeter. At this point the core can support itself by neutron
degeneracy pressure. Is there a limit for neutron degeneracy pressure, like
there was for electrons? It turns out that there is, but its exact value is
not known as accurately as the Chandrasekhar limit because of our limits in
understanding how matter behaves at these high densities. A couple of years
ago, I did some simulations based on the best available information on the
properties of neutron matter and found the value to be 1.76 solar masses
(although I suspect it won't become known as Terrell's limit.) As we learn
more, the number will be better determined, but it will probably be in the
range of 1.8 to 3 solar masses. (By the way, I uploaded the FORTRAN program
I used to do the simulations into the astronomy library.)
Our 15 solar mass star will reach this stage and the collapse will be
finally halted by nuclear degeneracy pressure. But what about a star that
starts out with a mass of say 30 or 50 solar masses. The cores of such stars
will easily exceed 3 solar masses. What happens now to the core? Why, it
collapses of course. But what other kind of degeneracy is going to kick in
to stop the collapse? In our present understanding of things, there is
nothing else to stop the collapse and the core will collapse to a radius of
While all this has been going on in the core, what is happening to the
envelope of the star? We'll talk about what it looks like from the outside
next time.